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Budo Warrior Adult Classes

There are a number of ninjutsu classes in the South West you can attend, depending on where you live:

Budo Warrior Schools Gloucester

Adults: This class is taught by Principal Instructor Marc Moor.

Days: Monday and Thursday 7.00 - 8.30pm, Saturday 11.00am - 12.30pm


Children: These classes are taught by Shidoshi Sinead Byrne 

Day: Monday, Thursday and Saturday

Time:  4:00pm - 7.00pm  (Time varies depending on child's age)


*Closed on Bank Holidays




Montpellier Hall, Gloucester, GL1 1LF

(Right next to Gloucester Park)


On street Parking available 



Budo Warrior Schools Bristol

Closed due to Covid, but all interested students welcome along to the Gloucester class at this time. 




© 2020 Budo Warrior

To find out further information or to arrange to join a class call
Marc on 07776 202011 or email
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