Sinéad Byrne
At eleven years of age Sinéad insisted that she wanted to learn martial arts. She was a precocious learner and living in Dublin was the ideal place for such for such a talented youngster. Kenpo Karate, also known as American Karate was Sinéad’s awaking and within the years of her dedication she became World Kenpo Karate Champion, eight times.
Such was Sinéad’s passion for improvement and learning she sought out new barriers to push aside and fresh challenges to master. It was through this mindset that in 2005 Sinéad also began her Bujinkan in Dublin, alongside her Kenpo studies.
Donegal, 2008 Sinéad attended her first large Bujinkan event, it was instructed by Shihan Marc Moor, and other members of Budo Warrior Schools. Sinéad was immediately hooked by the friendliness and the hight standards of ability, so much so that she spent much of the following years traveling to and fro to the U.K. to train. Eventually Sinéad moved permanently to Gloucester in 2012.
Sinéad’s is a frequent traveler to Japan and attained the rank of Shidoshi at the Hombu Dojo, Noda-shi in 2016.